Textbook Policies

San Marcos Middle School Textbook Policy

Textbooks are provided to the student during registration. Treat your textbooks with care to avoid fines. Remember, if you have little brothers, little sisters, cats or dogs at home you need to keep your books in a safe place. If you lose or damage your books you will be assessed a fine and required to pay.

Here are some textbook guidelines:
  • Textbooks should remain at home for homework. Do not bring them to school unless your teacher instructs you to bring your textbook to school.
  • Do not write in your books or make markings of any kind.
  • Avoid eating and drinking while studying and be careful of leaky water bottle in backpacks.
  • Do not leave your textbooks in the classroom or ask your teacher to return them for you.
  • You will be charged for all damages (liquid, markings, missing barcodes, missing or torn pages, broken bindings, and mold growth). If you find anything wrong with the books you are issued, notify the librarian within the first week to avoid fines.

How can I get an extra set of textbooks?
Unfortunately we don't always have enough textbooks to check out additional sets. You are welcome to check with Mrs. Nicholson 2-4 weeks after school begins to see if we have extra books available. You are welcome to purchase new or used textbooks. A good source is Amazon's textbook store. Please use the links in the "Buy An Extra Textbook" tab to get the correct textbook.

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