Track practice will begin Monday Feb. 26th, 2024
Practice are from 2:30-4pm M, T, & Th.
Please make sure your completed Athletic Handbook Signature Page/Physical Exam form is turned into Mrs. Prosser, Mr. Coleman, or Mr. Aguirre. (Note: If you already tried out for a sport this year you should be cleared to participate. )
Here are the events in which you may compete...
High jump, long jump, shot put, 4X100 relay, 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1,600, and hurdles.
Contact: [email protected] or
[email protected] for more information. :)
See you out at the track!!! :)
San Marcos Middle School
2024 Track & Field Schedule 
Coaches:Tom Coleman (Distance Runners & High Jump), Carlos Aguirre (Shot Put), Ashley Prosser (Sprints, 4X100 relays, & Hurdles), Greg Bay(Distance Runners), Juan Ramirez (Sprints & 4X100), Ruth Reyes (Long Jump)
Season Starts: Monday, Feb. 26th
Need: Sports Physical signed by a doctor and your parent/guardian. If you already turned in a sports physical form this year, you are cleared to participate
Note: Multi-sport athletes are welcome to compete in the meets but must participate in 50% of the competitions to go to the Championships. (Come to the practices that you can and compete in the meets that you can. :)
Practices: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:30-4pm Relay teams will practice until 4:30pm on Mondays. Again, we will make allowances for multi-sport athletes. Depending on your field event/coach, you may have other practice dates as well.
Wednesday, 3/20 @ Home SMMS 3pm start
Wednesday, May 1st. District Championship Meet @ San Marcos High School 3:30pm start
Competition: Athletes may compete in 2 field & 1 running event(s) or 1 field & 2 running event(s). The 4X100m Relay team is selected by the coaches and is not considered one of your 3 events of choice.
Typical Order of Events:
Field Events
High Jump, Long Jump, Shot Put competitions go on during the running events. Athletes must check in early and complete their 3 attempts between their running event(s) :)
Running Events
1,600m. (2 races = All Girls, All boys), 60 m Hurdles, 400m, 100m, 800m, 200m, 4X100 Relay (6 races = 6th girls, 6th boys, 7th girls, 7th boys, 8th girls, 8th boys)
Scoring: The early meets are not scored. Compete and report your Personal Records (PR's) to your coahes! You will compete against your grade and gender. In the Championships they will keep score 1st place= 10 points, 2nd place= 8 points, 3rd place = 6 points, 4th place = 4 points, 5th place = 2 points, & 6th place =1 point. There will be medals for 1st-3rd place and ribbons for 4th-6th place (these medals and ribbons mean you scored points for your team.) Note: If your team gets 1st, 2nd, & 3rd places it is called a “Sweep” So, you don’t have to be THE best at an event, just try to get a personal record (PR) at every meet. :) All we expect is that you give your best effort to improve every day. :) Make us proud!