Attendance Office: (760) 290-2510 Ms. Cardoso Barrera
(direct line and 24-hour voicemail)
State law requires regular and punctual attendance. Parents must report an absence when their student is ill or otherwise absent from school.
The number to call is 760-290-2510. If an absence is not reported within 72 hours, it will be considered unexcused. Should a special situation arise which requires your child to be absent from school for five consecutive days or more, please notify the attendance office and counseling office at least two weeks ahead of time, and we will prepare an Independent Study Contract. This contract will allow your child to stay current with school work and receive credit during their time of absence. Approval, or denial, of an Independent Study Contract is at the discretion of the school administration.
Late students must report to the attendance window for a tardy pass prior to going to class. Entrance gates will close promptly at 7:55am when the bell rings. At this time, your child is considered tardy.
Excused absences/tardies are when you are sick, have a doctor's appointment or for bereavement. All other reasons are considered unexcused.
How to Report Your Student’s Absence
All messages regarding absences should be directed to the Attendance Office rather than to your student’s teacher(s). You may certainly take the extra step to notify the teacher(s), but it is in the Attendance office that all record-keeping takes place. Email Attendance Clerk directly at [email protected]
Attendance is important!
Please work to always have your child to school on time!